Sunday 8 July 2007

... and nothing to do with aptitude...

Yes, academically, they were both very differently inclined, and I remember how upset Mini used to be when her teachers would compare the two of them. And rightly so! I used to go and talk to / yell at them, my colleagues, the next day, though Mini never knew that, I think!

But we, her Ba and I never doubted her abilities. We were rather disappointed when she chose Hotel Management out of all those career options at that expo we all went to. (Do you remember it?) But we didn't let on. At least I hope we didn't....

And yes, he was the best big brother anyone could ever have, without exception. He totally, unconditionally, doted on his baby sister, from day one. The number of times he took the rap for her! (Do you remember, Mini?)

Even today, our Dunlop friends remember how he, not seven years old, would carry his school bag, Mini's school bag AND MINI, only a year and a half younger, on his back, coming back from school!

And she adored him right back, despite occasional appearances to the contrary. (What siblings don't have their disagreements?)

I remember the whole Dunlop School being abuzz one day, when I went to collect them! Must have gone to pay the school fees or collect report cards or something, as they usually came home on their own.

Anyway, the school was all abuzz, as I said before. Mrs. Mukherjee, Mini's teacher, and Mrs. D'Souza, Bozo's Class 3 Maths teacher, were supposed to be complaining to me, but they were totally amused and actually sounded approving!! They told me what had happened.

That day, Bozo'd scored 100% in a Maths test (yea, Y, nerdy even at age eight!) and two of his class-mates (one a sardarji, I remember! though that's neither here nor there...) beat him up for it. Mini was in class 2. When she got wind of this, SHE WAS LIVID. She got together a couple of friends, Pum-Pum and ... who else? All girls. Maybe someone remembers who they were! Anyway, she got them together and, armed with foot-rulers and sticks, they went to the Class 3 classroom, closed all the doors so they couldn't escape AND all the windows, presumably so the teachers wouldn't see and interrupt them, and BEAT THOSE BOYS UP.

Bozo never had trouble from them again...


  1. Mazzer... you are stealing my stories I tell ya!! :-) Just kidding, good to have a post from you, even though it was in reaction to my post. Thank you, lady. Now what about those pictures?

    Not just my teachers, even Didu constantly compared me (unfavourably!) to Dada, but that's ok. Hotel Management wasn't a bad decision, btw, all things considered, and I don't regret doing it.

    That story about him being beaten up at school... I don't remember it quite like that, but then I was only 5 or so at the time. I have this very clear memory of him running into my classroom at lunch-time, yelling out for me, and there were these bullies chasing him, so my friends and I ran after them and chased them out onto the school grounds. Don't remember the rest of it :)

  2. Well, I remember how Mrs. Mukherjee and Mrs. D'Souza were! Delighted, actually, at how a sister took revenge for her brother...but trying not to show it, as it was a discipline thing....

    I know Hotel Management was ok in the end. You enjoyed it and did so well. But you know how mothers are! I'd rather hoped you'd go for Architecture or Bio something. And then, I remember thinking that, ok, you'd learn some house-wifely skills. Cooking, flower arrangement and the like. Little did I realize!!

    But then, I watched you at work. You become SO PROFESSIONAL! My heart almost burst with pride as you went about your work, over-seeing and organising events, talking to guests and workers. You were so confident and GOOD at it! I have photos and clips to prove it...

  3. Mini - that too, at the age of 5 - playing bodyguard..that is so unbelievable CUTE...what a touching story.

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...sweet!

  4. You're right. I think you were younger. I remember now, Bozo was in Class 3 and it was two boys from Class 4 that beat him up for getting a 100%.

    Their teacher must have said something to piss them off. Praised him or something!!?

  5. Y - brat! Could barely talk when I called, and here she is, laughing away... :)

    Ma - house-wifely skills!! now that is something to laugh about!! Parents, I tell ya...

  6. Yea, I know! The best I can say in my defence is that that was about 15 years ago and I didn't know better. ...

    Yes, yes. I know, I know ... Do I now? ... don't say it!

  7. Awwwwww! This is such a heartwarming incident. Came here from Y's blog, by the way. I hope it is OK for me to butt in on a "family" blog.

  8. gettingtherenow - sorry, have been very silent blog-wise of late; but thank you for your comment :)
