Saturday 1 September 2007

I carry your heart with me

It has been a while since my last post... and this time it wasn't just my innate laziness that kept me from writing. I recently came to a couple of realizations in quick succession, followed by decisions which, while ultimately sensible, left me feeling quite lost and questioning my sanity as well as my ability to be happy. This, for someone who for the most part is perfectly comfortable (without being complacent, or so one hopes!) with who she is and the way her life has turned out, was unsettling to say the least.

Yes, very cryptic and dramatic, I know. But therapy is too expensive and unreliable, so expressing myself on this blog is the preferable alternative, hence the drama. (Ma, you can relax, that was strictly tongue-in-cheek!) On the other hand, this is not the forum for discussing the details of my follies (hence the veiled remarks), so without going into boring detail, the upshot is that I am now single again after almost 2 years. In case I wasn't clear before, it was my decision to end it. The irony is that it was by far the best, most uncomplicated relationship that I have had (and I have had quite a few) and he is a genuinely good guy, one of the best, as well as my best friend (yes, lots of "best's" I know :) but they fit).

Anyway, all things considered, it turned out quite well... the break-up, that is; thanks to how close we are, and the fact that we still want to be in each others lives. It will take some getting used to, naturally, but it seems the worst is over, and the good thing is that we helped each other through it. So today, as I write this, I am still questioning my sanity, but not so much my ability to be happy. The point being, I have made my peace with my inner demons, for now anyway.

What does all/any of this have to do with my brother, you may well ask. Well nothing directly, I suppose, but as with any major event in my life, whether it is a happy or a sad one, I think of him and wonder what he would have made of all this. I know he would have liked Craig, of course, but I also like to believe he would have understood without my having to justify myself, why I did what I did. He was, after all, the most non-judgemental person I have ever known, at least as far I was concerned. I have tried, in turn, to be that person to the people I care about and hope I have succeeded to some extent.

My parents (who met him in December last year and needless to say, loved him) have also been a pillar of support through all this, by giving me my space while letting me know that they were there if I needed to talk. So Baba-Ma, here is a poem by E. E. Cummings that I came across in a movie called " In her shoes", which made me think of you, of Dada, and others I miss:

i carry your heart with me (i carry it in
my heart) i am never without it (anywhere
i go you go,my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)

i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)


  1. For those wondering - no, those sunglasses are not permanently attached to my face.

    Mini - not to sound too philosophical but I still haven't figured out why I was put here. But I do feel part of the reason is to have met you and helped you along your journey, even if it doesn't end with me. I'll be looking out for you, always.

    Lots of love,


    P.S. Hello to my Indian (ex) in-laws :)

  2. Well, I do understand, Craig. I don't know if I can, but may I try to explain?

    Bozo is still a big part of our lives. Whatever we do, whatever happens to us, as Mini said, sad or happy, includes him, as we miss him and long for him to be part of it.

    You were - are - an important part of Mini's life. The change in your relationship has been traumatic, as I know how very fond of you she is. At such a difficult time, she's missing her brother. You already know how close they were.

    That's why, missing him as she is, she's written about you here.

    And may I add, it's great of you not to be offended. You're not one for judging people either, are you?

  3. Mwwwwwwwwwwwahhhhhhhhh to Mini, Mashi...and I'm sorry for taking liberties here, but this includes a big hug for Craig too - Craig, you really are an awesome person.

  4. Muah to you Minky.. Love you..

  5. And, Mince, thank you for sharing...

  6. Y, ain't that what I said? Sorry, Craig Babu, if it wasn't clear enough! You really are awesome! And a BIG HUG to you from me too.

  7. Craig, that actually was surprisingly philosophical, but also very sweet. You're simply the best :)

    Ma, you're even more senti than I am about this!! thanks... but just so you know, Craig wasn't questioning his being on the blog :) muahs... and what do you mean offended? why should he be offended?

    Y and Gits... love you both right back.

  8. Just me way of saying a lesser man might've taken it - the post - differently? ... Sigh...... Aaaa-eee don't know what zigzaggedly I meant!

    But I'm sure you'll figure out better than me what I think I meant. Silly ol' me... Let me know, k?

    Privately? ;-))))))

    Love you muito muchly.

  9. Ma - I still don't understand what Craig could have found offensive about this post, but yes, he definitely is totally non-judgemental too, especially when it comes to me.

  10. Hi Mini,

    I do not know why I remembered you after almost 20 years!!! I am not sure if you would even remember me. We were in the same class at LSS, JK Gram, Kankroli. Just did some search on the net and got through to your profile on blogger.

    Would be nice to catch up on how things have been... send me an email at

    - Vinod Mathur

  11. I can relate to a lot of what you write... simply love your blog. It's one of the most poignant ones I've read for a while.

  12. Mini - Knowing you (the liitle bit that I do), you have the ability to get through whatever phases - happy or sad - that come in front of you. Past memories are always there to help you think of a better future ahead :-)

    Craig - We have never met nor spoken. You have a very wonderful friend in Mini (am sure you know abt it already), so keep it that way, and i am sure you will.

    All the best to all of you....

  13. Vinod - Hi, yes I do remember you, although I think we only studied together for a year or so, in Class 8? Will email.

    Anansi - I didn't think anyone outside my circle of friends and family would be remotely interested in this blog, so thank you :)

    RK - who is this? Rahul?

  14. yes......rk is rahul kotyan !!!!

  15. mini missing you n thinking of you. sumhow i seem to have drifted far far away from you... though i would like to have it the other way around! ki korar... it seems like we will never meet again. i do have such fond memories of us together n love you loads. wish i was there with you right this moment. take care super girl! will call you soon. you are always in my thoughts. muahhhhhhhhh.mou

  16. rk - I thought so! And thanks.

    mousumi - Mishty, I just remembered that you called one night, completely forgot about it, I must have spoken to you in my sleep :) na na we haven't drifted apart, don't be silly... we have shared too much for that to happen, even if we rarely get to meet. Maybe December, in India?

  17. oh im glad you feel that way mini...... i just need to see you. gosh this is so frustrating! i was telling a friend how we end up spending so much time being with people we dont care so much about n the rest trying to please others and then ofcourse doing what is right! i wonder if we ever end up doing sumthing for orselves! i really want to see so many of my dear ones... but alas! hopefully december! keeping my fingers crossed. love you.

  18. Mou - Yes, it has been far too long, we must meet soon. Although I have to admit that the rest of ur comment doesn't apply to me as much. I am lucky enough to have the luxury of choosing who I want to spend time with, and I rarely do anything I don't want to. True, I dont get to meet Ma Baba and others like you as often as I would like, but if that is the only price I have to pay for having it as good as I do, then I really cannot complain.

    I do, however, completely understand what you mean, and hope that some day you will get to do what you really want... starting with a trip to India in December :)

  19. MouMachi, Mini is so right! We too have friends, your parents and others of Chetla Gaach Tola anongst them, whom we might not have been in touch with, let alone have met for years... But the moment we are with them again? It's as though we'd never been apart! You'll see, it'll be just the same with you and Mini when you meet again.

    We'll even see you playing 'Gold Spot'!!

    Love you hamesha,

    Lalita Kaki

  20. Thank's kaki n mini...... just to hear that we will sum day soon play GOLDSPOT again put's a smile on my face. Alas i wont be able to make it to India this december.... maybe someday i will actually start living for myself. I think i need a big rock to hit my head n get things sorted in my brain...but until then i'm trying to make the best of it. love you both lot's n lot's.

  21. Mou - Will miss you in India... next time we meet, I'll play "gold spot" with my Mishty's Mishty :)

  22. Good memory! It was 6th and 7th std (half year) at Kankroli.

    Not blog savvy - just checked this webpage today...
